Planning Your House Removal
When faced with the prospect of a full scale house removal, all you hear is plan ahead, plan sufficiently, get organised in time, don’t muck around – arrange this, arrange that etc. Don’t get frustrated by the endless but valuable advice coming from left, right and centre simply because a house removal can quickly spiral out of control in terms of costs and scheduling when certain aspects aren’t planned and accounted for.
Although you, being a sensible and practical person, have secured a proper man and van removal service to cover your relocation from A to B, there are certain aspects which you should address personally in order to make life easier on yourself. If this is the first time you are moving house, chances are the butterflies in your stomach are going bananas! Don’t get stressed out though, give yourself enough time to get sorted and the man and van people will deal with the rest. So, how to do your bit toward the greater good?
First of all sit down (if furniture isn’t packed yet), get comfortable (as much as possible) and grab a pen.
Jot down a thorough list of all the essential things that need doing prior to removal. Whether that be clearing any outstanding bills, cancelling subscriptions or letting your grandma know you are moving – it is your list, populate it with the items you find important, just don’t miss anything.
Once ready with the list, take a walk through each room and write down which items and furniture will need packing and which can do without. Rule of thumb is to pack everything properly, but certain exceptions can be made. Don’t be too exception-prone though as some items are more fragile than they appear.
If you will be doing your own packing – obtain the necessary amount of packing and wrapping supplies you need for the job. Don’t be tight – spend enough on packing materials, it will be a small price to pay for peace of mind. If you choose to have the man and van people do the packing for you – good, you have one less aspect to worry about.
In the course of your removal preparations you might realise there is too much stuff to haul across. If so, then you will have to prepare a list of items you can do without – these shouldn’t be goods and appliances of immediate importance, basic essentials should come along in all instances as you will need them at your new home from day one.
If you don’t wish to give up on any of your items, consult with the man and van people to see if they can rearrange transportation or loading patterns as to accommodate your entire set of belongings. This however might attract additional service costs – do some number crunching first and decide what comes along and what stays behind. Cost efficiency and practicality is the name of the game so weigh the pros and cons, and use your common sense when prepping for the relocation.
About author
Jeremy Oliver
Previously serving as a logistics coordinator, Jeremy's comprehensive understanding of the industry gives him the ability to translate complex procedures into easy-to-understand blog posts. He has a particular knack for tackling the intricacies of London's removals scene, from the congested roadways to the unique challenges of navigating historic neighborhoods. As an authentic Londoner, Jeremy combines practical knowledge with his inherent love for the city, offering readers not only information on man with van removals but also local insights and valuable tips.