Many removal service providers maintain an advice section as part of their website, and we make no exception. However, the How-To page of our official company website happens to be an abundant source of valuable advice and accurate information on all things property removal. Whether readers are interested in handy tips on quick and efficient item packing, or perhaps the latest regulation changes concerning professional property removals and the industry as a whole, our How-To page is the place to visit. The content found on our Advice page is well written and easy to understand – precisely what’s needed to make any removal project that much more efficient and manageable. Readers are provided with new articles and updated contents on a regular basis so there is always something new to catch your attention. Our How-To articles cover a range of general and specific issues concerning residential and commercial property removals, as well as the safe relocation of valuable items like music instruments, artwork and antiques. New reading material is supplied by a team of dedicated contributors who have their finger on the pulse of the professional removals industry across Great Britain. We’d be happy to receive readers’ feedback so don’t be shy to jot us a line.

Moving house with a dog

A house removal with a stressful enough experience in its own right, but when there is a dog included in the picture, it becomes even more complicated. In order to make the move less of a shock for your pet, there are several very useful strategies that you can employ. Dogs realize when there is […]


Ealing – the borough of diversity

The Borough of Ealing is one of those places that usually stay in the periphery of the tourists’ attention, which is actually something quite normal – the majority of big attractions and cultural venues in the capital are located elsewhere. That does not mean that Ealing is a bad place – quite the contrary, this […]


What to look out for in a man and van company

It is generally accepted that having a proper home moving experience depends on several factors. One of those factors, not to say the most important among them is to get proper help from an experienced and dependable moving company that you can trust to assist your on every step of the moving process. The last […]


5 Property Turn Offs – The Obvious Issues No One Sees

A UK man and van removal company was looking into what turns off potential buyers during a property viewing. Besides the obvious and major issues like location, noise and layout, there were a number of additional factors which turned out to have a strong influence on potential buyers. As it turns out, a dirty and […]


Importance of Scottish Referendum

The referendum in Scotland this Thursday is a historical event of enormous proportion. Namely its significance makes it so complex a question, and a simple “yes” or “no” answer to cannot be given. In addition to personal affection and sense of national identity, the decision whether or not Scotland should become state independent from England […]


A relocation do to checklist

The easiest way to go through a smooth and swift relocation is to draft a to do checklist and start the relocation preparations at least six weeks prior of the move. If you have never drafted a relocation checklist before, relax and continue reading this article because we will present to you an example checklist which you […]


How to plan and conduct a relocation properly

Relocations are stressful and time consuming ventures that require lots of knowledge on the matter and careful planning. So if you have never moved before and you are facing an upcoming relocation keep reading because we have written down some very useful tips. The first thing that you must remember when you are facing a […]


Six disadvantages of moving abroad

Have you been reflecting on moving abroad? If you have then keep reading because we will present to you six negative aspects of moving to a foreign country. The reason why we have made such a list is that we want people to make educated decisions when they are deciding to leave their known surroundings […]